PreviewPart 1Part 2Part 3

Part 1
In Part 1, Roger rides a couple of two year olds who have been on cattle for about 6 months. He emphasizes how he builds their foundation, how he gets them collected through the turn and riding to the stop with his feet. He helps the filly to clean up her front end. He also explains and demonstrates why traveling round with a cow on a young horse gives the opportunity to take the pressure off the horse if needed and then go back into the straight line.
Part 2
Part 2 sees Roger riding a two year old colt that is a slow developer. He explains his bit choice to get the horse lighter in the front end and face. He wants the horse moving quicker with the cow so he forgoes shape to help it keep contact with the cow. By using his feet, the less on his hands, he explains, the more the horse can stay soft in the front end. He explains how he uses the cow-side foot out of the turn then the herd-side foot as the cow travels across the pen.
Part 3
Roger rides a four year old gelding in Part 3 that he is preparing to show in 10 days time. He explains his bit choice to the help the horse soften without taking the cow away from him. Again he demonstrates dry work to ensure the horse is listening to his feet. He explains he is expecting and asking more from the horse in the lead up to a show. The trick, he explains, is to keep him accurate and smooth on the cow's turns but relax him again when the cow is traveling.
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