Buster Welch was not the only talented cutting horse trainer in his day but his knack for young horses was what set him apart.
“It’s like cooking a dish. It’s never one thing that makes it better. It’s about 50 things at the right time. What Buster had more than anything, he had feel. He had so much feel and so much cow,” trainer and friend, Kory Pounds said.

Kory and Buster ready to head out on the ranch.
“When he was working a horse he wasn’t thinking he was going to present it to a judge… He thought everything he did with a cow and a horse was just [ranch work], that’s how his idea of the round pen came about… It was whatever the cow did, the horse did. That was his thought process,” said Pounds.
Pounds was working for a rodeo outfit when a friend mentioned he knew of a cutting horse trainer that needed some help. That trainer was Welch who hired Pounds to help him work cutting horses in the morning and ranch in the evenings. Read the rest of this entry »