Preview: Two Great Exercises To Help Your First Ride Be A Success On A Young Horse.
The art to starting performance horse’s is how do you take the fear out, yet not making them numb, dull and heavy. Dan Edwards shows you two great exercise’s he learnt from Australian Horseman Gordon Mckinlay about how to prepare a young horse to have a successful first ride, explaining:
- Why you have to let a horse leave if they can’t handle the pressure.
- How to make it the horse’s idea to stand and let you on.
- The horse being scared is not the problem, it’s knowing how to behave when scared.
- A lot of times horse’s buck because they haven’t got the confidence to see you out of both eyes.
- What cause’s horse’s to go backwards in any exercises you do.
- This may take a while to execute however if it’s done correctly it’s there for life.
- Why he doesn’t use hobbles for this.
- Loads more……..