PreviewPart 1Part 2Part 3

Preview: Hunter Meinzer: Preparing Two Year Olds for Sale

Hunter demonstrates how he works three two year olds a week before the 2014 NCHA Futurity Sale. He topped the sale on Eight Mile,(part 2 of these videos) selling for $400,000. In this three part series he explains why he works buffalo so close to the sale. Hunter mentions how he used to try to manipulate everything for the horse, but as he has gotten older he now wants to see and feel his horses work some things out for themselves. Even though it may not feel great, it helps them develop some sense and to get smarter about a cow. For the sale he wants his horses to be cowy and thinking! But he also wants his horses broke enough so he can help them if the cows are bad in the sale.

Categories: Training, Two Year Olds. • Tags: buffalo.
Part 1
Hunter works a two year old that sold for a $100,000 and discusses why he likes to start his work on the buffalo from a distance and why he doesn't like to lope his horses too much before he works them.
Part 2
Eight Mile sold for $400,000 and Hunter explains how he wants his horses to think back as soon as they stop. He demonstrates how he gets caution with his horses and how he wants to feel that pressure between the horse and buffalo like 2 magnets being pushed together.
Part 3
This two year old sold for $60,000 and is a very cowy horse but hasn't developed the strength of the other horses yet. Hunter demonstrates how he builds this filly's confidence and desire, without being too critical about how she works.
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How I got started: I cowboyed and started colts out in West Texas for Ranches such as Tongue River, Pitchfork, and Moorhouse. In 2002/03 I went to California and worked for Ken Wold and Sandy Collier doing cow horse stuff.

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