Preview: How Amateurs And Non-pros Can Show Better! Matt Gaines & Michael Cooper Critique Show Runs! First Six Horses Of Set 1
This video is unique and the most powerful advice any one who shows cutting horse’s can learn from. Matt Gaines & Michael Cooper turnback and judge the first six horse’s of a twelve horse set in show conditions, critiquing each run, explaining the score and then how to fix it! They address topics such as:
- How the 73 could have been turned into a 75 or 76.
- Examples of cutting out of position.
- How to show the Judge you want to win.
- How the 68 could have been a 70 or 71.
- What controlling the cow looks like.
- What happens when you don’t use your cow side foot into the stop.
- The key to making good cuts.
- Examples of sending a horse to the stop.
- What NOT controlling the cow looks like.
- The biggest mistake all Amateurs make when showing.
- Plus so much more.
- This is a must watch video……