Member spotlight: It wasn’t until her senior year at West Monroe High School that Addison Culp joined the school rodeo team.

Addison Culp on Ghost
She had grown-up around cow horses and always competed in barrel racing, but with the perception of how challenging the sport of cutting was she just couldn’t resist giving it a try.
“I really love cutting,” Culp said. “It came pretty natural to me. I like the pressure and feel as though I can go in with confidence and be straightforward with my [cow] pick.”
Although it was her first year cutting, Culp made the upcoming nationals that will be hosted mid-July in Wyoming. Culp says she plans on using her graduation money to send her longtime horse, a 14 year-old mare (her barrel horse and cow horse), Annie, to see her trainer Mason Griffin. She wants to tune her up and go for the NCHA World Titles in the $2,000 or $35,000 classes.
Despite her graduation and the end of her high school rodeo debut, Culp says she plans on continuing to cut in the NCHA.

Addie with trainer Mason Griffin
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