Samantha McPherrin & her mom Suzanne Stilwell
Samantha McPherrin rode a cutting horse for the first time in 2010 when she was working for a trainer. She had a blast and her mom, Suzanne Stilwell, also got into cutting at the same time.
Stilwell bought her first horse in 2010. Stilwell said Todd Bimat and Jose Mendez were a big part of how she got started in cutting.
This mother and daughter duo travel the West Coast showing their cutting horses and cheering each other on. They ride with Shad Platt and are very grateful for his help. Jim Neubert rides their young horses before they go onto Platt.
Stilwell said other than the first time she showed, and attending Western Nationals was a highlight. In 2020, she won the Non-Pro Futurity Circuit in Madras, OR.
McPherrin’s favorite memory was this past futurity season. They had bred their first cutting horses and successfully showed the babies in small futuries on the West coast. She also won the 50k amateur saddle at Gold Country Cutting Club.
It’s a family affair anytime they travel to a cutting. McPherrin’s children, Ellery and Blake, have a blast running around the horse shows.
Stilwell said she is supposed to video her daughter’s runs but she’s usually too busy cheering! “We’ve been riding together forever so nothing is different. [My mom] took me to riding lessons when I was 5 and we have been trail riding all over,” said McPherrin.
Why Samantha And Suzanne Use CHTO:
“I love the diversity of trainers that are on [the website]. For us, it’s been really neat to watch them together…I love that it’s not just about the tactical skills, it’s about your mindset and everything. Some of the videos that have helped us are not the most practical ones…You go in and show your horse to the best of your ability,” said McPherrin.
“I think the videos are amazing. I love watching the trainers training, the maneuvers, showing, judging and positioning. I consider it a real asset to improve myself,” Stilwell.
They said they both love the Bill Freeman videos as well as the female trainer’s videos.
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