Garnett Hayes and JR Colored Summer Prom
Garnett Hayes has enjoyed the sport of cutting for 38 years. He first saw the sport on TV as a young boy and thought it looked fun. Hayes started out riding a paint and has owned many horses. Hayes enjoys his retirement with his horses on a 400 acre farm in Western Kentucky.
He has been fighting throat cancer this year and is ready to get back in the saddle for the 2021 show season. Fortunately, he has the chance to show two to three times a month without having to travel far in the Kentucky area and surrounding states.
Some of his best memories in the sport include his Reserve World Championship in the Ranch Horse Cutting at the World Ranch Horse Show aboard a horse named Port Royal Remedy that he owned for 21 years. He never retired the horse, showing him the year before he died.
He says he has had some truly special horses in his time in the sport and thanks his trainer, Trent Harris, for finding his current special horse, SS Pretty Boy. He loves the horse’s temperament and looks forward to showing him next year.
Why Garnett Uses CHTO:
“It has so many different videos it is [tough] trying to watch them all. It’s got everything, how to pick the right cows and how to make a cut… It’s also great getting to watch the older style of horses work. It’s great value all the way around, you learn by osmosis! [I especially enjoy] the Gary Bellanfant and Matt Gaines videos.”