Age: 71
From: Weatherford, TX
Phone: (817) 313-2946
Chubby Turner
Money Won
- NCHA Open World Champion 2014, 2013, 2004
- NCHA Super Stakes Champion 2002, 2000
- 2009 NCHA President
- 1982 NCHA Futurity Reserve Champion
Top Three Horses Trained
- One Time Choice
- JR Colord Prom
- Linton Lad
How I Got Started: When I was 12 years old my dad bought a 27-year-old horse called Shiny Pants M. Dad and his friends used to buy a handful of cattle every couple of weeks and one day he asked me to go get on Shiny Pants M and have a go at cutting. I said “No Dad, I’m going to be a roper.” Dad said, “No son I’ve seen you rope, go get on Shiny Pants.” So I did and I was hooked as soon as Shiny Pants worked the cow by himself.
Most memorable moment in cutting: When my son Sam who had only been riding horses for a week, went and showed for the first time scoring a 75 on Doc 0 Ninety Five.
Biggest mistake in cutting: It’s not really a mistake, but I remember I was asked to go look at a green 2-yr-old and see if I wanted to train him. I said no because I didn’t think he would be good enough. I told them to send him to Tom Shelley, he will do a really good job on him. Tom rang me a year later and said come and look at this 3yr old I’ve got. My jaw dropped when I watched him. I couldn’t believe it was the same horse. It ended up ok because I catch-rode him for Tom and ended up Reserve Champion to Smart Little Lena in 1983 at the Futurity.
Biggest myth about cutting: That horses do it themselves! If that was the case I would let my horse go pat him on the butt and say now go win me a check. Favorite quote: “A bad cow cut good is better than a good cow cut bad.” – Buster Welch
Training philosophy: Keep it basic! Go left, stop. Go right, stop.
Videos by Chubby Turner

Chubby Turner: How To Sit On A Cutter
Do you know how to get out of a horses way? Well Chubby Turner explains how to sit on a cutting horse and why leaning and gripping with your knees inhibits a horses ability to turn....
Chubby Turner: How Cutting Began
Chubby Turner takes us down the path of how cutting began....
Chubby Turner: Master Riding a Cutting Horse
' Shoulders back, scoot your hips forward and get your buttocks off the back of the saddle' preaches Hall Of Fame rider Chubby Turner....