Age: 37
From: Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 428-233-312
Aaron Wheatley
Money Won
- 2007 Aust NCHA Reserve Derby Champion Breeders Invitational
- 2007 U.S. NCHA Derby Limited Open Champion
- 2006 Aust NCHA Futurity Champion
- 2004 Aust NCHA Classic Champion
Top Three Horses Trained
- Dara Cocoas Preview
- Ristos Fair Lady
- Duntays Working Class Man
How I got started: I went through Pony Club (like 4H) as a kid and then into western pleasure. I had a chance to ride a cutting horse and was hooked from then on.
Biggest mistake I’ve made in cutting: Thinking it would get easier as time goes on.
Biggest myth about cutting: Thinking that you will ever master it. It’s not possible. Favorite quote: “The harder I work, the luckier I get.” – Thomas Jefferson
Most memorable moment in cutting: In 2002 I won the Australian Derby and Gold Cup Open at the same show with a 75 and 76 score; and also winning the Australian Futurity in 2006.
Training philosophy: Relate as much of your training as possible to the cow. I also believe that to be competitive, 90 percent of it is mental.
Videos by Aaron Wheatley

Aaron Wheatley: Three Year Olds Close to Futurity
Aaron prepares three year olds just before the Austrailian Open Futurity...
Aaron Wheatley: Tune Up a Cow Fresh 4 Year Old
Every competitor faces a cow fresh horse. Aaron shows how to overcome this in a short amount of time...