They’ve won four Futurities and a Triple Crown Championship between them. Cutting is in their blood. Ronnie and his son Tag Rice have been extremely successful in producing Futurity winners and they share their expertise with you on their popular DVD. Check it out watching the video clip here and grab your copy or one as a gift now by clicking here.
“Making Futurity Champions” Ronnie and Tag Rice DVD
December 7th, 2018 by Simone CobbMember Spotlight – Pam Crouch
October 22nd, 2018 by Simone Cobb“He won a lot of money and allowed me to have great success in the show pen,” said Pam. She has spent the last 18 years as a member of the NCHA.
With a demanding job as an ER nurse, she hasn’t been able to haul to anything other than aged events until the last 6 years.
A few life changing events led her to the outskirts of the Cutting Capital of the World in 2012. Pam says she didn’t have any intentions of ending up there, but she loves it because of how convenient it is to make the shows. She plans to start hauling in the aged events in 2019 with a new horse now that she is able to focus more on her cutting career, with Ben Roberson as her trainer.
WHY PAM CROUCH USES CHTO: “In my downtime, if I can’t make it to a trainer’s house, CHTO makes it convenient for me to be able to learn from right here at home from top trainers. It never goes away. I am able to rewind it as many times as I need to and apply it to my runs.”
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You Can’t Pick ‘Em – Winston Hansma
October 22nd, 2018 by Simone Cobb
Legendary Bar H trainers and brothers, Winston Hansma and Paul Hansma have always had a wicked sense of humor. In fact, we’re reported previously in our newsletter another prank Paul pulled on Duncan Steele-Park with pistachios. This time Paul and others had Winston in their sights. As Winston tells it below, even trainers sometimes can’t remember their cows!
“We were at Steamboat Springs, Colorado. We always had a lot of fun at those shows. It was first thing in the morning and somebody came up to me asked me if I’d settle their cattle for them. It wasn’t somebody I normally would have or didn’t even help, so I was a little surprised they asked me but you know they said who ever they got to usually settle the cows was having to work a horse at 8 o’clock so I said, “alright””, said Winston Hansma.
Keep on Reading!
Record Entries At Cotton Stakes Following New Leveling System
October 22nd, 2018 by Simone CobbBoth ladies said everyone seemed pleased and happy with the outcome except for some of the open riders. While not completely against the idea because they agree that change is needed, many trainers were concerned about payouts being reduced.
Trainer Jonathan Rogers said, “It didn’t pay well and it was very tough to make the finals. You have to have a good horse no matter what. For example, the same horse won the Intermediate and the Open which shows that it has a lot to do with the horse rather than the rider.”
He said the new system seemed to work great for the amateur and non pro classes, but that the open was a different ball game. He suggested creating levels based on the horse’s earnings and not the riders as a better alternative for the Open class.
“We need a change or there isn’t going to be an NCHA in the next 5 years. This just isn’t the change we need. When I was a loper in this industry cutting was fun and everyone encouraged each other. Now it isn’t like that, now it is all about the money and it isn’t exciting until Futurity time because [it is the one show] no one knows what they’re going to see,” said Jonathan.
On a post-show survey and Denise stated, “I had 86 who all had positive feed-back and a yes vote on the system, and 1 maybe. I didn’t have anyone tell me no on this new system, which made us feel pretty optimistic and speaks for itself.”
Denise and Ora said the only difficulty they encountered with the new levels was entering it into the software. While it wasn’t impossible, they said it did take a few extra steps. They both agreed the software can be re-tuned if more show producers and the NCHA decide to go forward with this format.
Non pro rider James Hooper admitted that he was going into the Cotton Stakes thinking that the new leveling system was too much of a drastic transition. Once he got to the show however, he was blown away by the optimistic atmosphere. He said there were several people that made the finals that he had never seen before.
“The NCHA is in trouble if we don’t do something. A level playing field like this will encourage people to get involved and stay involved. Trainers are running people off because they dominate the finals,” James said.
He agreed that this may dilute the purse, or make the open not pay as much, but that the organization needed to do what benefited the most people.
While there was some difference of opinion in the way the new system was implemented, the need for change was unanimous.
“We’ve lost so many people and the change in atmosphere at West Monroe proved that change is what we need,” said Jonathan.
Member Spotlight – Reagan Box
September 19th, 2018 by Simone CobbWant to enjoy more success in cutting? Get access to the best trainers and showmen/women in the business. It’s the best dollar you’ll ever spend in cutting! So if you’re not a member yet – Click HERE to get a free week and access our entire video library!!!
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Why Cutters Are Helping To “Protect The Harvest”
September 19th, 2018 by Simone CobbIt is there at every Triple Crown show. If you’ve visited the Exhibit Hall at the Will Rogers Coliseum in Fort Worth, you’ve probably seen the “Protect The Harvest” (PTH) booth and wondered what it was all about? But what, you may ask, does farming and protecting it, have to do with cutters?
No, it is not an insurance scheme for crops ruined by flood, hail, or drought, or a lobby group for farming subsidies as it may sound like. It is, in fact, a metaphorical name to apply to all of agriculture, horses included, about protecting a way of life.
“At Protect The Harvest we promote responsible animal ownership and that’s like these events here,” said Shawn Burtenshaw referring to the NCHA Super Stakes that was underway.
The non-profit group was founded in 2011 by Forrest Lucas, owner of Lucas Oil, the Super Stake’s major sponsor.
“These animals are so well cared for. I mean this is animal welfare at its finest at these events, at 4H shows, at rodeos. Animal rights groups, extreme animal rights groups want to see these events completely eliminated. They view any use of any animals as animal slavery,” said Burtenshaw, a spokesman for the organization.
“We want people to have the rights to make that decision not the animals to have the rights, the same rights as people,” he added.
PTH was created to “fight against animal rights groups who want to end meat consumption, halt consumer access to affordable food, eliminate all hunting practices, and outlaw rodeos, circuses and pet ownership” as stated on the PTH website.
Burtenshaw said the USDA monitors the raising of livestock using strict standards and regulations already in place.
He said Lucas saw the need for a group to defend the livelihoods and industries of agriculture, livestock and sport and to push back against animal rights activists who were extremely vocal.
“People were afraid to go up against these animal rights groups because they use bullying tactics and you know, they get very, very aggressive. And as agriculturists [they] are very recessive. We just get to work and provide and do our thing,” Burtenshaw said.
Specific issues PTH is championing include the ELD mandate which may force people who haul horses to get a commercial truck driver’s license.
Burtenshaw said their motto is to inform, protect and respond, using education to spread the word and motivate people to take action.
“We’re going to save agriculture in America. That’s our goal,” he said.
“Most people in the West do not know where their food comes from. They have impression it comes from a grocery store. So information is key.”
Burtenshaw said PTH runs some counter campaigns against what he called radical organizations. He said people need to become engaged. He said there are many ways people can get involved by going to their website, contacting their local representative on issues that affect them, share PTH’s social media posts, volunteer for the organization or even make a financial contribution.
“Don’t sit idly by and think somebody is going to take care of it for you. We are the lead organization on this but we can’t do it on our own. We need help,” he encouraged.
Want to enjoy more success in cutting? Get access to the best trainers and showmen/women in the business. It’s the best dollar you’ll ever spend in cutting! So if you’re not a member yet – Click HERE to get a free week and access our entire video library!!!
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Todd Graham – A League Of his Own
September 19th, 2018 by Simone CobbOn June 10 this year, Australian trainer Todd Graham created cutting horse history. He became the first and only rider to win six Futurities! The legendary Buster Welch has won five in the US and while Todd has won Australian NCHA Futurities, it’s an astonishing feat to win six of any title no matter which country or what sport! Think Roger Federer who is the only player to have won the Australian Open and Wimbledon at least 6 times (Wimbledon is actually 8) or even the greatest Olympian of all time, Michael Phelps won the same event just four times, to show how difficult it is to claim multiple victories in one event.
Last out in the final, Todd rode Duplicity owned by Lloyd Nielson. He marked a 223 to scoot past leader Linda MacCallum’s 219 to win.
“Any Futurity win is good and this last one was special. The guy that owned the mare has been a mate of mine since we were kids,” said Todd.
“We cut the first two cows we knew [were fresh] and we were putting a pretty decent run together…It just felt like it was building. We went back to cut the rerun…and I wasn’t fussed on that. It was kind of numb and wasn’t going to do too much and as I stepped into the herd, out behind me came this other cow…I again knew it was fresh but I didn’t know if it was any good. Anyway I took a risk and cut it and it was ok, it wasn’t great but it was good enough to finish on without a mistake.”
“Every Futurity I’ve won, you know, as you’re coming along you can feel it building. It’s a big thing I learnt probably years ago, you got to build on your run. You won’t win it in the first 20 seconds.”
“Yeh it was a great feeling, to prove to yourself you could still do it and to do it for Lloyd,” he said.
Todd and his wife Jackie were in the States this month looking at horses and cutting facilities. Jackie was also competing in the International Non Pro Cutting Challenge at the El Rancho Futurity in California.
After 25 years running his own training business and working for the public, Todd relocated to Goondiwindi, Queensland to work full time for Andrea McCosker, a wealthy cotton grower and owner of SDM Quarter Horses. Andrea took over the reins from her mother Sue who died a few years ago. Sue had started a breeding program centered around One Time Royalty which stands at Oswood Stallion Station in Texas.
“We were looking for a change just to get away from the grind of working for ourselves and managing all that and it just seemed like a good challenge,” said Todd Graham.
The change couldn’t have come at a better time, with much of Queensland and all of New South Wales suffering one of the worst droughts on record.
“You’re buying horse feed, cow feed, you know paying staff, whereas now, we don’t have any of those worries, so that’s good, “ he said.
It’s been 3 years of well below average rainfalls. Feed costs have more than trebled and hay has had to be shipped from 20 hours away at a cost of $7,000.
“Bare, there’s no grass, it’s just dirt. If you drive around New South Wales or even around our place at Goondiwindi, it’s just dirt, there’s no grass. It’s desperate. It’s just really desperate. There’s towns running out of water, it’s affected the whole country,” said Todd.
While it’s been an adjustment going from boss to employee, Todd said he is excited about establishing SDM Quarter Horses as a major, if not the major, cutting horse and camp draft breeding enterprise with a proven show record.
“She [Andrea] is committed to seeing the Royalties go through and be competitive and sought after” which he said, they look like they will be in the next 12 months. “They’ll suit the camp draft market, they’ll suit the cutters and it’s good to be a part of all that, the developing of that, the promotion of all that.”
Todd and Jackie visited cutting ranches around Weatherford, TX, like the architect-designed Rocking P Ranch owned by Bobby Patton, Slate River and Winston Hansma’s to get ideas for developing their facilities at Goondiwindi.
“We’re building indoor arenas and barns and all that. There’s a lot of horse facilities there but not set up to train cutting horses so we’re redoing the whole thing.”
While building costs are much higher in Australia, a standard indoor arena with no walls costs $120,000, Todd said Andrea plans on creating a show piece.
“We will build one [arena] big enough to hopefully hold a show in it, some competition, some pre-works. Probably put 40 stalls in it, horse walker, try and put it all under one roof. Also want to put in some rehab facilities, state-of-the-art type stuff. Andrea’s pretty committed to it, if she does anything, she does it right.”
Todd said the breeding adds a new challenge for him as he explained his new goal for SDM Quarter Horses: “I don’t really want to you know go along and just cruise along, I’d like to, I’ve always wanted to be the best so you kind of want to do that too. You know when people want to buy a horse, they ring (call) us, when people want to breed a mare they ring us, when people want a job, they ring us,” he envisioned.
Always on the lookout for new mares and bloodlines to import, Todd said so far they’ve bred to some Metallic Cats, and Smooth Talking Style. They also currently have a few horses in training with Lloyd Cox.
With camp drafting the biggest market in Australia, the horses also need to be good at running. Camp drafting is an Australian sport that includes a snaffle bit component before riders then guide the cow in a figure eight at speed. It has many similarities to cow horses in the States.
“They are really starting to source them now [from the cutting industry] because of the training that we do on them, they’ve got a great foundation…so they can get on them a lot earlier now than they used to 10 years ago.”
“They need to be soft in a snaffle, they need to rate a cow at speed without getting too hot and be able to run a tight circle.”
But if you think Todd is slowing down in the show pen, think again. Ever ambitious, he said he’d love to also have success in the States. He said Lloyd has a good 3-year-old for the Futurity.
“I said to him the other day if it’s good enough for him to show it, he should show it, but if not I’d like to come do it.”
“It’s more personal pressure because you’ve done it at home and you want to come over here and do it again, not necessarily win but just be there and be competitive,” he added.
It hasn’t always been smooth sailing for Todd. He dominated in Australia in the mid 90s when he won his first 3 futurities in a row in 1995, 96 and 97 when Roger Wagner and John Mitchell were on his turn back team. He won again in 2002 but then went 12 long years before returning as Futurity Champion in 2015 and again this year.
While he was still making finals and placing over that 12 year gap, he said he wasn’t able to put it all together, a time when he was going through a divorce.
Now married to Jackie, Todd said being happy helped him get that winning finesse back.
“When you’re content and you’re happy, that’s when your mind’s a bit clearer and you can do the right things and get your focus on what you need to do…I guess your mind’s clearer and more comfortable, you do the right thing, you cut the right cow at the right time.”
“You need that support…it’s long hours, it’s demanding, you know the pressures and all that sort of thing but Jackie’s always there…when you need her and that’s a huge help.”
They are a winning team. Jackie herself won the Non Pro Futurity this year.
Todd Graham is Australia’s top money earner in the sport with $2.4-million. While you may think it doesn’t compare to the top US trainers like Phil Rapp, Matt Gaines and Lloyd Cox at $9 and $8-million, the prize money offered and the number of cutting shows is far lower. The Futurity pays $75,000 to win and trainers there typically take home a smaller percentage. Todd said the first Futurity he won in 1995 paid $17,000.
“I’ve showed a lot of horses to win $2.4 million,” Todd Graham said.
Todd said cutting has changed a lot in that time, becoming far more technical.
“The mare I won it [1995 Futurity] on was cowy and a little wild and was a little out there and now you can’t do that. You get stung for a small miss or a big miss… the judging’s changed heaps and that’s changed how the horses work…you can’t expose them as much as you used to,” he explained.
Todd said winning is not more difficult now, just different.
“Winning is always difficult, I wouldn’t say it’s any better, I wouldn’t say the cutting is any better now. The horse training’s changed a lot, there’s a lot more control, sometimes it’s a little more bland. Not all horses are bland but the majority of them, it’s taken a lot of style out of them,” he said a little wistfully of the way cutting used to be.
So what’s his secret? Todd said it’s a combination of his mental preparation and a natural talent for the sport.
“Sometimes it just happens, but most of the time you’ve got to make it happen. You’ve got to clear your mind about what you’re doing…here’s my job tonight and this is what I need to do and sort of clear your mind so you can remember the cows and think about how you’re going to work your horse and do all those little things right,” said Todd Graham.
“I’m pretty lucky I’ve got a good feel for a horse and a good feel for a cow…I probably haven’t had to work at the basic stuff. But I guess I’ve developed over the years, my timing is pretty good on a horse and I’ve tried to relate that to the cow. Don’t worry when I was younger I made plenty of mistakes…so you’ve got to wait to the next show and do it again. And that made me get smarter when I show and I guess I’ve got this thing that apparently I don’t look flustered when I’m in there. I can be really nervous but I don’t look like that. I guess I’m lucky in that department and lucky that I found something that I was good at,” said Todd.
Watch Todd Graham’s popular videos on CHTO where he teaches you how to train and show like him! Click here to watch Todd Graham’s previews or login and watch them in full. If you’re not a member yet, get Free Access for 7-Days by clicking here now.
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Sammy Broussard – Member Spotlight
September 6th, 2018 by Simone CobbSammy Broussard has always had his hand in the horse business. His family was one of the first families to bring cattle into the state of Louisiana. Ranching was done on horseback for the Broussard family. In addition to their cattle operation, they also had race horses.
Broussard, from New Iberia, Louisiana, then found himself competing in team penning and working cow horse as a young man. He went to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo in 1999 to compete, and that is when he got to watch his first cutting horse competition. “This is the real deal! This is ultimate horsemanship!” Broussard remembered thinking to himself.
A few months later he entered a team penning that was followed by a cutting. He then found himself entered in the cutting as well. His first impression of the cutting horse industry he describes as “Great,” because of how willing everyone was to help turn back for him, even though he didn’t know anyone.
That following week he went to trainer Bob Bouget after being introduced by Bob’s son Boe. Every Wednesday night for the next three years Broussard found himself at his trainer’s house practicing.
He said it is hard to pick the most memorable show moment because, “Every time you have good cattle, your horse works good, and the judges mark you, it’s a good day in the show pen.” His most memorable moment is making the finals in the Will Roger’s Coliseum, after showing there for the first time on a horse he had trained.
MR DAGWOOD is the horse he credits for his success. Sammy Broussard said, “He always finds a way to win. I can count on him at any time.”
WHY SAMMY USES CHTO: “I find that it is a great place to get information from people who know so much and are so willing to share it. If this would’ve been around when I first started, I would’ve been able to learn certain things a lot quicker. This is a tremendous tool for people who are just getting into the industry and keeping them in it.”
Want to enjoy more success in cutting? Get access to the best trainers and showmen/women in the business. It’s the best dollar you’ll ever spend in cutting! So if you’re not a member yet – Click HERE to get a free week and access our entire video library!!!
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Lee Francois – His Time To Shine!
August 23rd, 2018 by Simone CobbHe made the Open Derby Final at the 2018 Summer Spectacular on 3 different horses, but Lee Francois still seems to find time to minister to the needs of others. The pro trainer you see is also a pastor and it’s something he loves to be able to do together.
He inspired the crowd with his sublime 228 run on The Animal to win the Derby Championship. An emotional Lee said it has
been a roller coaster year since the pair was Reserve Futurity Champions, making this victory all the sweeter.
“It’s always a blessing to win something here. You got your family with you and they go through the hard times too. It just feels good. It’s great, you know to ride a great horse. You grow up dreaming about these moments when we’re kids and to have that kind of horse, it makes all the hard times worth it, we’re just a blessed family,” said Lee.
The Animal sustained a hoof injury following the Futurity which put him out of action for a time.
“He had a quarter crack after the Futurity and that hindered us a lot so it was mainly just getting that healed up. I got to give Pete May some praise for getting that horse healed up and taking care of him so we got that fixed and now he’s back 100%,” Lee said.
Lee faced immense pressure in the finals, going to the herd 3 times. He gave recognition to his wife, Holly for her support.
“It was a struggle. I know Holly, she was tired of putting up with me all day you know cause of nerves and trying to figure out how to handle it,” he joked. “But you know, you just take it one run at a time, one cow at a time.”
It’s the same philosophy Lee applies to his ministry work, serving one person at a time. For people who live on the road, hauling from one horse show to another, there’s not too many chances to catch a church service. So Lee brings it to the cutters.
After a full day of showing at the recent Breeder’s Invitational in Tulsa, OK, Lee even performed a Baptism behind the stalls.
A young non pro rider, Sadie Marie Watkins had attended Lee’s service that morning before the show began and asked him to baptize her that day. So once competition was over, he rounded up a horse trough, cleaned it up and filled it with water. A crowd gathered at the stalls to lend their support and Lee did the honors.
A video of the baptism was put on Facebook which to date has been seen by almost 14,000 people. “Thank you to the Francois family and all who participate in horses how ministries to allow the Lord to work thru you for victories like this one!” said Gita Crane, one of the many voices celebrating the event.
Lee Francois is one of our featured trainers on CHTO, You can click here to login and watch his awesome videos on connecting the dots in your training and correctness and efficiency plus more! Lee is also one of Get Coached coaches. So send the 2018 Summer Spectacular Derby Champion your video of a show run or training at home and get him to critique it give you personal coaching to fast track your cutting! Click here to get started.
Two Ladies And A Plan To Save Cutting – Class Restructure Proposal
August 16th, 2018 by Simone CobbThere was a buzz at the NCHA Convention in June. Members were excited about the sport’s future for the first time in years. A new plan had been announced to help level the playing field for competitors, eliminate complex rules and encourage cutters to come back in from the cold.
It’s called the Class Restructure Proposal and it’s the brainchild of two passionate cutters, Ora Diehl and Denise Seiz, who have been working on the plan for four years.
“People just did not feel like they had a level playing field and when they felt that way, they just wouldn’t compete and so the entries were going down,” said Seiz.
In fact, in the last 10 years, Seiz said the NCHA’s membership has fallen dramatically from 20,000+ to around 13,000.
“It’s all due to the fact that people didn’t feel like they had a place to play. It all got too costly,” added Diehl.
Diehl said other issues like scheduling classes late into the night and complicated exceptions to the rules were driving people away.
The new system does not completely rewrite the current structure. It proposes three levels to be created within the three main divisions of the Limited Age Events; the Amateur, Non Pro and Open. Below is the breakdown of the levels in the class restructure proposal by lifetime earnings (LTE):
Open Division Rider Total Lifetime Earnings
Open $750,000 or more
Intermediate Open $200,001 – $749,999
Limited Open $0 – $200,000
Non-Pro Division Rider Total Lifetime Earnings
Non-Pro $500,000 or more
Intermediate Non-Pro $100,001 – $499,999
Limited Non-Pro $0 – $100,000
Amateur Division Rider Total Lifetime Earnings
Amateur $100,000 or more
Intermediate Amateur $25,001 – $99,999
Limited Amateur $0 – $25,000
“We looked at the database and how big the spread was in LTEs in the various divisions and tried to figure out if we made certain levels within those divisions, would the player then decide to enter like they used to,” said Seiz who is a CPA and adept at crunching the numbers.
The NCHA Class Restructure subcommittee on which both women sit (Seiz is the Chair) made a case study to test the soundness of the plan. It looked at entries in the top 10 shows from last year including the Triple Crown events.
“We wanted to test whether the payouts worked and whether the class size worked and it did,” Seiz said.
The class restructure proposal recommends a graduated entry fee schedule where limited riders will pay the least, increasing for intermediate cutters and again for the top level riders of each division. The same principal is applied to prize money.
“We recommend the added money is concentrated at the top, with some in the intermediate and at the discretion of the show producer, they could put some in the limited but again we don’t want the limited rider to ride out of that class sooner than they are ready to compete in the intermediate,” explained Seiz.
The plans also encourages show producers to discount entry fees when a competitor enters more than one level/class as anyone is allowed to ride in levels above their current earnings.
“The incentive is for people to ride up. But we want to encourage them not force them,” Seiz said.
“I can enter a horse that doesn’t necessarily have to mark what the top Non Pro level rider has to mark but I can bring it as a B student or rider. I can mark on my level but yet I might take a shot and enter up. It gives me choices which I don’t presently have,” added Diehl.
Both women said the proposal went over extremely well at the convention, creating a feeling of optimism among many members.
“It was the first year where I came away where people were excited! They are ready for some change…It was cool to see people excited to try something new,” said Seiz smiling.
“The open riders want to make sure that their purses are staying the same and what we have told them is that at the present levels, they are,” explained Diehl.
Diehl mentioned Casey Green as a trainer who has thrown his support behind the plan.
“Casey Green is exactly right. He said, “I have horses that can mark a 216 all day, but I need a horse that can mark a 218 if I’m going to compete against this level here (at the Will Rogers Coliseum in Fort Worth),” Diehl said.
The first show to trial the new structure will be the Cotton Stakes in West Monroe, Louisiana on September 2nd-9th. Diehl said organizer Robert Charles Brown asked for it after seeing declining entries over recent years.
“He is willing to do something to step outside the box and try something new,” Diehl said.
The Executive Committee will assess how well the class restructure proposal works at the Cotton Stakes before it approves any more shows to implement it.
With a decline of 60,000 entries between 2007 to 2017, weekend shows are still to be worked out in terms of its own class restructure proposal to help revive them.
“ The aged events were easier to fix because of the ages of the horse…but not so much the novice horse or the $2,000 limited rider,” explained Diehl. “That is another animal.”
“Those students that aren’t playing this game and those horses being left at the barn instead of coming to play hopefully they will show up,” said Diehl.
If the numbers swell, Seiz said the levels could go from 3 to 5, giving even more riders a better chance at picking up a check and with more riders competing, the purse is going to be bigger.
To enter the Cotton Stakes click here.
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Adan Banuelos Wins Reserve Derby & Metallic Cat Incentive at 2018 Summer Spectacular
August 6th, 2018 by Simone CobbWant to become a champion like these riders? Get access to the best trainers and showmen/women in the business. It’s the best dollar you’ll ever spend in cutting! So if you’re not a member yet – Click HERE to get a free week and access our entire video library!!!
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Lee Francois Wins Derby Final at 2018 Summer Spectacular
August 6th, 2018 by Simone CobbLee Francois brought the house down with his thrilling win in the Open Derby Championship at the 2018 Metallic Cat Summer Spectacular.
Lee and The Animal dominated the cows at every turn to notch up a 228 ahead of Reserve Champion Adan Banuelos & Catillac Reys’ score of 225.5.
An emotional Lee told CHTO’s Simone Cobb it’s been a roller coaster year since the pair was Reserve Futurity Champions, making this victory all the sweeter.
Want to become a champion like these riders? Get access to the best trainers and showmen/women in the business. It’s the best dollar you’ll ever spend in cutting! So if you’re not a member yet – Click HERE to get a free week and access our entire video library!!!
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Kenli Marvin Wows in Non Pro Derby Final at 2018 Summer Spectacular
August 6th, 2018 by Simone CobbKenli Marvin displayed her cutting art when she dominated the Non Pro Derby final at the 2018 Summer Spectacular with her masterful strokes.
She rode her pretty paint mare, Cinderella Cat to mark a 223, three and a half points ahead of Reserve Champion, Todd Quirk on Real Suen.
Kenli told CHTO’s Simone Cobb she was lucky to even have the mare competing after she tore a suspensory at the recent Super Stakes.
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Jim Vangilder Clinches Ltd NP Derby at 2018 Summer Spectacular
August 4th, 2018 by Simone CobbJim Vangilder snagged his second major victory of the year after clinching first place in the Limited Non Pro Derby Final at the 2018 Summer Spectacular.
Jim and Take It Eazee marked a 220 to take the lead over Reserve Champion Lauren Minshall on CR Sister Tuff with a 218.
Jim told CHTO’s Simone Cobb the horse made it easy having only just showed him for the first time at the Summer Spectacular.
Want to become a champion like these riders? Get access to the best trainers and showmen/women in the business. It’s the best dollar you’ll ever spend in cutting! So if you’re not a member yet – Click HERE to get a free week and access our entire video library!!!
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Justin Chalmers Wins Ltd Open Derby at 2018 Summer Spectacular
August 2nd, 2018 by Simone CobbJustin Chalmers has put his stamp on the Limited Open Derby Final at the 2018 Summer Spectacular taking out the title two years running.
Justin rode Reystylin Smooth to mark a 2220.5, ahead of Reserve Champion Kevin Walden on Couture De Force who scored 219.
Justin told CHTO”s Simone Cobb he’s feeling confident going into the open Derby Semi finals on the horse that he trained.
Want to become a champion like these riders? Get access to the best trainers and showmen/women in the business. It’s the best dollar you’ll ever spend in cutting! So if you’re not a member yet – Click HERE to get a free week and access our entire video library!!!
Get 7 Days Free!You can cancel anytime. If you decide to continue with the membership past 7 days, your card will be charged on the 8th day for your convenience, you don’t need to take any action. To cancel, just email us at least two days before your bill date.