“…this change was out of necessity. The summer show entries were up more than 30 percent, and we were obligated to find new ways to help accelerate the show’s pace…” said McCarthy.
Showing a horse in the famed Will Rogers Memorial Coliseum at Fort Worth, TX, is the holy grail of experiences for most cutting horse competitors. It’s a tradition that goes back some 54 years to 1967. Not only does the coliseum have legendary status, it’s an arena cutters’ love for the way it allows them to work cows.
Built in 1936, its design was ahead of its time. But it has not been without its faults. One of the greatest frustrations for riders has been the use of one gate to let in both the cows and competitors. This meant everyone was locked in the arena until each set had been completed which took approximately 90 minutes. It made a long day even longer and came with the danger of riders missing their run if they missed the gate.
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