Brett and Chance To Cat
Photo by Diamond Double S Photography
Brett Shayler attended cuttings as a spectator for years when his mom showed. This past year he decided he would give it a try and found he really enjoyed doing the sport with his mother, Billie Aylesworth. They cheer each other on while showing and she uses her experience to coach him and help make a plan for his run.
His favorite thing about cutting is how exhilarating it is. There’s nothing like it, he said. You just go out there and do your best, it’s just you and the horse.
Shayler is hungry to learn all he can and has found the cutting community very willing to share their knowledge. At the moment, he is focusing on weekend shows, and hopes to compete at some aged events in 2022.
He likes the shows at Silverado, near Weatherford, TX, because everyone says it’s the hardest pen to show in. But it suits Shayler, who has done well in that arena. He likes the challenge and said it makes him a better rider being in tough situations.
Shayler really focuses on reading cattle. He watches all of the CHTO videos on cattle. His job, teaching hyperbaric medicine, requires him to travel a lot so he enjoys learning about cutting while he flies.
Why Brett Uses CHTO:
“To help improve my skill level. Any information I can get from anybody, anywhere, at any time helps me develop more knowledge and ability. If I have a better understanding I can apply it. So watching the videos helps me out dramatically. I can watch the videos on a plane or in the hotel room…If you’re coming into the sport for the first time I would turn them on to [CHTO]. They can go through each one of the videos and find out a little bit more information.”